Job search during a pandemic

recherche d’emploi en période de pandémie


We are living in a time that most of us could never have imagined. Indeed, the global COVID-19 pandemic has changed our daily lives and our habits. The pandemic has impacted the economy, businesses, the health sector, and jobs in general. Undeniably, some people have lost their jobs temporarily or permanently, while other fields are booming. There are new realities to consider when looking for work during a pandemic. Job seekers must adapt their approaches to these new realities. If you are looking for a new opportunity, we invite you to read the following.

Target sectors with high demand

Since the start of the pandemic, certain sectors have been in high demand for labor and offer job opportunities that must be filled quickly. Think, for example, the food industry, health or housekeeping, transport and delivery. The government even offers incentives for certain high demand sectors and this can be very beneficial for job seekers. On the other hand, avoid concentrating your employment research in areas weakened by the pandemic. As an example, services which are not considered essential and risk closing.

Use the computer tools available

The job search and recruitment processes have also seen many changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Turning to the internet and various virtual technologies are key in performing your research, with many organizations preferring remote work and prospective employers engaging in online interviews. Ensuring you have access to the necessary tools and a good Internet connection is key. Practice to make sure everything is working well and confirm you have the necessary equipment: microphone, camera, etc.

Continue to develop your skills

Even though you are looking for a job and the work world is turned upside down by the pandemic you should not put your learning aside. On the contrary, all of these changes require adaptation and the development of new skills. Take advantage of this waiting period to make the most of your time and consider training. Organizations look for volunteers to meet excess demands they are facing. Volunteering can be a great way to develop new skills and make connections.

Seek professional help

This period of upheaval is difficult for everyone and can be particularly challenging for those who are looking for work. Do not hesitate to ask for professional help to be accompanied throughout the process.